

Top leaders of the TM® organization will be joining us for courses in 2024. Dr. Neil Paterson will lead a WPA in February, Dr. John Hagelin will oversee an MIU Faculty retreat in March, Dr. John Bright will lead a Bhagavad Gita Chapters 9 & 10 WPA in August, and Dr. Doug Birx will return to hold another special TM-Sidhi® Refresher course/WPA in October. Please see the course schedule below for more details. In addition to our traditional courses, we have added four TM Retreats for meditators with the option to learn an Advanced Technique. We held two such TM Retreats this year and, based on their popularity and success, have scheduled four more during the coming year.

Two-Day TM-Sidhi® Program
Refresher Course with Dr. Doug Birx

This course will be offered during the first two days of the October 12-19 WPA. Come and refresh your TM-Sidhi Program practice with a full two-day review from Maharishi and the TM-Sidhi Program Administrators. In morning, afternoon and evening meetings, this course features a thorough review of the practice, inspiring Pure Knowledge videos, discussion, and a private meeting with the TM-Sidhi Program Administrator. Please join TM-Sidhi Program Administrator Dr. Doug Birx for this very special opportunity, which until recently had not been offered in the United States for many years. We expect this course will be well attended, so please apply early. See below for more details. This course may only be taken once. The $250 course fee for the Refresher Course is included in the course fee ($1450) for the WPA.

World Peace Assembly (WPA) Schedule

World Peace Assemblies offer an opportunity to enjoy extended practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi programs and gain deep and revitalizing rest. Enjoy the soft, silent atmosphere created by Purusha in the seclusion of a forest setting. This is the place to totally relax, switch off, and dive into your experiences. Enjoy the fresh mountain air and scenic walks and the added benefit of living in a Maharishi Vastu® Architecture designed facility. Our spacious accommodations, panoramic mountain views, delicious organic vegetarian cuisine, good company, and beautiful knowledge talks by Maharishi, all contribute to a delightful experience. We may add special guest course leaders and course themes for several of our courses at a later date.

February WPA with Dr. Neil Paterson:
February 11 (Sunday) to February 18, (Sunday), 7 nights, $1200

This course is led by one of the most inspiring leaders in the TM organization – TM-Sidhi Program Administrator Dr. Neil Paterson. Enjoy a rare opportunity to dive deep into the experience of your TM-Sidhi practice and come out refreshed and full of new insights. Dr. Paterson will review the practice of the TM-Sidhi program and personally meet with those who have questions about their TM-Sidhi program practice and Advanced Techniques. There may also be an opportunity to learn an Advanced Technique, depending upon the demand.

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Memorial Day WPA:
May 25 (Saturday) to June 1, (Saturday), 7 nights, $1200
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Guru Purnima WPA:
July 20 (Saturday) to July 27 (Saturday), 7 nights, $1200

Guru Purnima is that special time of the year when we celebrate the fullness of Vedic knowledge given to us by Maharishi and Guru Dev. We will celebrate this special time by watching traditional celebrations from Holland with Maharaja and leaders of the Global Country of World PeaceSM. This course will also include videos of Maharishi speaking about his years with Guru Dev.

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Bhagavad Gita, Chapters 9 & 10:
A profound course with Tony Nader, MD, PhD, led by Vedic scholar John Bright, PhD
August 17 (Saturday) to August 31 (Saturday), 14 nights, $1600

In a series of recorded lectures given by the global leader of the TM organizations, Tony Nader, MD, PhD, and led in person by Bhagavad Gita expert and Vedic scholar, John Bright, PhD, you will be taken on an engaging journey through Chapters 9 and 10 of the Bhagavad Gita, where Lord Krishna reveals to Arjuna the deepest secret wisdom for the liberation of any man. This profoundly enlightening dialogue between Lord Krishna and his devotee, Arjuna, on the historic battlefield of Kurukshetra, embodies the divine interaction between Silence and Dynamism and provides practical knowledge indispensable to any seeker of Truth striving to achieve their full potential. This course is only open to those who have taken the Bhagavad Gita Chapters 7 & 8 course. We anticipate holding another Chapters 7 & 8 Gita course in the future.

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TM-Sidhi® program Refresher Course/WPA (includes the 2 day TM-Sidhi® program Refresher Course described above):
October 12 (Saturday) to October 19, (Saturday), 7 nights, $1450*
This course may only be taken once.

See above for more details. *Includes the $250 course fee for the TM-Sidhi® Program Refresher Course.

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Silence WPA:
December 29, 2024 (Sunday) to January 9, 2025 (Thursday), 11 nights, $1750
December 29, 2024 (Sunday) to January 13, 2025 (Monday), 15 nights, $2150

For decades, wherever we happened to be, Purusha spent the first seven days of January in silence along with Maharishi. We invite you to join us in this annual tradition of beginning each New Year from a platform of powerful silence and deep experience of the TM and TM-Sidhi programs. The course includes afternoon and evening meetings with videos of Maharishi. The Silence WPA has been a favorite of many course participants due to the depth of experiences that are often gained during this longest WPA of the year.

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TM Retreat/Advanced Technique Courses for Meditators

We will be holding four TM Retreat/Advanced Technique courses in 2024. This is a special opportunity for meditators to enjoy a three-night TM Retreat with the added opportunity to learn an Advanced Technique. For more details and to apply please visit maharishipurusha.org

Maharishi Purusha ProgramSM and Taste of Purusha Courses

The Maharishi Purusha Program is for single men who wish to live in an ideal environment and experience rapid growth towards full enlightenment. We offer Taste of Purusha Courses for those who would like to come for up to three months and experience a taste of what it is like to be on Purusha. To apply and/or for more information, visit the Taste of Purusha page on purushacourses.org , the Maharishi Purusha Program page on purusha.org , and maharishipurusha.org for courses and programs for younger men.

If your travel arrangements make it necessary to arrive a day early or leave a day later, please inform our office at courses@purusha.org in advance of the course. There is an additional course fee of $95 per night. We offer a discount for full time students and anyone working full time in the TM organization. Please contact us for details.


Due to changes in recommendations from the government and health authorities regarding COVID, we have dropped the need to have a negative COVID antigen test prior to attending a course. However, if you are feeling ill, we ask that you postpone coming to this course and arrange to attend a later one. The courses will start with a 3-day period of isolation from Purusha. During these 3 days, you will be doing your program together in the WPA building and eating in your own Dining Hall. Then on the fourth day, your Purusha friends can join you in your dining hall for meals.

Enjoy the Unique Environment of the Purusha CapitalSM

The Purusha Capital provides a unique environment that is conducive to growth of higher states of consciousness. The deep silence, bliss, and coherence created by the Maharishi Purusha ProgramSM, living in Maharishi Vastu® Architecture buildings, tasty organic food, and being in the fresh air and beautiful mountain environment, all contribute to an ideal atmosphere for extended practice of the TM® and TM-Sidhi® programs. This, together with the sublime knowledge of Maharishi Vedic ScienceSM from the videos of Maharishi and presentations by leading Maharishi Vedic Science experts, makes for a delightful stay for course participants at the Purusha Capital.

Creating Coherence for Washington, D.C. and the World

The establishment of the Purusha Capital near Washington, D.C. constitutes the second element in Maharishi's formula for creating coherence and invincibility in America. A large group of Yogic Flyers in Fairfield, Iowa, and a complementary group practicing Yogic FlyingSM near our nation's capital are keys to creating greater harmony and coherence both for the government and the nation as a whole during this time of transition in world consciousness.